Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome as it’s formally known is a condition that affects the lining of your stomach and large intestines. The symptoms can range from mild to severe such as bloating, stomach pain, cramps, gas, constipation etc.
Most people experience some form of abdominal pain associated with this IBS disorder at least once during their life span! In severe cases, the approach is based on long term management
IBS can be controlled with diet and lifestyle changes, but more-severe symptoms may require medication or therapy to help you feel better. That is why we are here. Fadi’s Counselling provides relief for those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome at all levels. Feel free to ask us any questions you may have.
What are symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome?
IBS can be hard to diagnose if you are not a doctor or a professional. It’s not seen on an ultrasound, CT scan or MRI but there are other ways a doctor might know what you are suffering specifically from, if you show certain signs and symptoms that may include; stomach pain after eating or when opening your bowels and sometimes loss of appetite.
The primary or main symptoms of IBS include the following;
- Constipation can cause pain when you strain to pass solid waste and feel like your bowels are not able to empty out fully. At the same time, some may find that straining during bowel movements causes them more discomfort than usual as well as reduces their ability to push out any excess
- When you have IBS, your body typically produces more diarrhoea than usual and sometimes it’s necessary for you to poop suddenly.
- The pain of stomach cramps and other irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms can get worse after eating, but they tend to improve when you do your morning business.
- With IBS, you could find that you are feeling bloated. Your stomach may be swelling up, including some feeling of uneasiness, these are all symptoms of IBS.
- Inability to control your bowel movements
While IBS flare-ups are not always triggered by something in your diet, there can be certain factors that lead to them in some patients. If you’re experiencing abdominal pain and diarrhoea or other signs of intolerance toward food items, then it’s time for a physician examination rather than assume that the problem lies with what you eat!
How can CBT help with IBS?
CBT can help reduce your physical pain as well as feelings of symptoms like stress or depression by Making you aware of the connection that exist between your thoughts and behaviour patterns.
You can find the help that your mind needs to heal and give you peace through therapy. Cognitive-behavioural (CBT) has been shown in clinical trials and personal experiences as being very effective in reducing a wide variety of symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome
A wide range of problems could be treated by this formative process including physical & emotional issues. In order words cognitive behaviour therapy could provide the help you need in areas such as;
- Learning to understand how to deal dreadful feelings, self-farm or negative thoughts
- Develop alternative methods and approaches to deal with your individual issue(s)
- Reduce the occurrence of stomach pain, bloating, palpitation etc
- Learn to develop healthy eating habits
- Develop ways to handle your emotions
It is important to talk to your doctor about any IBS symptoms you are experiencing. We cannot diagnose IBS or offer treatment unless it has been properly diagnosed as there could be other conditions that need attention as a matter of priority before any other treatment could follow.
When is the right time to consult a doctor for IBS?
If you think or believe that your body is experiencing symptoms of IBS, see a GP at the earliest opportunity. Your doctor can check for this and perform some tests to determine the problem, rule out other problems or provide remedies in order to help get you back on track quickly!
If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, make sure to see your GP as soon as possible. This includes loss of weight without changing diet or exercise habits; bleeding from the anus and/or stomach pain that doesn’t go away with medication. Swelling in the stomach area where there should otherwise be none at all – this can signal liver problems caused due to inflammation associated disease such as cancerous polyps. If these symptoms persist for more than two weeks, then please consult a doctor because there might be an issue other than just the primary issue.
When is the right time to consult a talking therapist for IBS?
The digestive system is a complex machine that we all use to break down food into nutrients for our bodies. But when something goes wrong with this process, it can lead to pain and discomfort in many parts of the body. Imagine having your best days punctuated by constant stomach-ache and feeling bloated? That’s what IBS can feel like!
At any time, if you experience any of the following symptoms below, your best approach is to consult your doctor or GP:
- Continuous stomach pain
- Weight loss without change of habits or activities
- Difficulty swallowing even the softest of foods
- Palpitations and shortness of breath
- Bleeding from the anus
- Sudden vomiting
See your doctor or GP if you have one or more of any of the above symptoms. They may be an indication that you are suffering with IBS.
Have you been diagnosed with IBS recently or in the past?
We at Fadi Counselling are here to help you with your IBS and related symptoms. We will help you manage your condition better. No matter what stage or severity of your condition, our therapists have got a therapy that will help you manage your condition, perhaps to completely eliminate your condition!
We offer 100% privacy protection and affordable professional services – so just contact us now if interested in learning more about how we can get started towards finding an appropriate relief for this frustrating illness